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Marketing Tips During the Holidays for Las Vegas Small Business Owners


The holidays are a busy time for everyone, but especially for small business owners. There's so much to do and so little time to do it! If you're feeling overwhelmed by your holiday to-do list, take a deep breath and relax. The Urban Chamber of Commerce here to help with nine holiday marketing tips that are sure to get your business noticed.


1. Post More Interactive Content


Interactive content is a great way to engage your customers and get them involved with your brand. Create a holiday-themed quiz, contest, or poll and post it on social media. Not only will this give your customers a break from all the holiday shopping, but you'll also get valuable insights into what they're interested in.


2. Host a Contest or Giveaway


Everyone loves a good contest, especially during the holidays when there are so many prizes to be won. Host a contest on social media or in your store and give away a prize that's relevant to your business. For example, if you own a restaurant, you could give away a gift card for a free meal. Or if you sell products online, you could give away a discount code for free shipping. Be creative and have fun with it!


3. Create a Holiday-Themed Gift Guide


Gift guides are always popular during the holidays because they make shopping so much easier. Put together a gift guide of your products or services and share it on social media or your website. That’s a great way to help get the word out, but if you like, you can take your marketing even further.


Once you have your gift guide, you can target specific audiences by using this free tool to split it into multiple PDFs that you can share with different audiences and social media groups. This kind of targeted marketing is an extremely effective way to help get the word out.


4. Make Special Holiday Packaging


Your packaging is the first thing people see when they receive your product, so make it count! Create special holiday packaging that reflects your brand and excites people about opening their present. This is a great way to differentiate yourself from other businesses and make a lasting impression on customers. Plus, it's just plain fun! Who doesn't love unboxing presents?


5. Connect With Customers on Social Media


Social media is the perfect place to connect with customers during the holidays (and all year round). Share holiday-themed content, run social media contests, and offer exclusive discounts or promotions to your followers. This is also a great time to show some personality and have some fun with your brand voice – after all, 'tis the season!


6. Promote a Special Event                       


If you have any special events planned for the holidays – like an open house or launch party – be sure to promote it! Send out email invitations or post about it on social media using eye-catching visuals (think festive banners or GIFs). This is also an opportunity to partner with other local businesses to cross-promote each other's events and reach even more people.                      

7. Give Back to A Local Charity                  


The holidays are all about giving back, so why not use this opportunity to support a local charity? You could host a donation drive at your business or donate a percentage of sales to the charity of your choice. This is an excellent way to build goodwill within your community while promoting your business at the same time.                   


8. Appreciate Your Loyal Customers     


Without loyal customers, small businesses would be nothing. So this holiday season, take some time to show your appreciation! Send out handwritten thank you cards (a personal touch always goes over well) or offer exclusive discounts or VIP treatment as our way of saying "thank you." You could also implement a loyalty program for your customers. After all, loyalty should always be rewarded!                    


9. Collaborate With Other Local Businesses


Collaborating with other local businesses is an excellent way to promote both of your brands while tapping into new markets. You could team up for joint marketing campaigns, cross-promote each other's products/services, or even host collaborative events. Make sure you choose businesses that complement yours so that everyone benefits from the partnership.  


And there we have it: nine holiday marketing ideas for small business owners! We hope these ideas help you promote your business and generate some extra sales this holiday season. Wishing you all the best!


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