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2024 IT Roundtable Presenter Application

The IT Roundtable is held quarterly, the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 4:00pm - 5:00pm. If you are interested in being a presenter at one of these events, please submit the form below.
The information provided will be used for publication of the event. By submitting this form, you authorize the Urban Chamber and its partners to use the information provided for the promotion of your selected IT Roundtable date. Website and social media information is optional but may be publicized, if provided, to generate interest in the event.
Representative Name
Speaks about an educational topic of interest to local business owners. Presenters are included in our advertisements for the event. Presenters are permitted 20-45 minutes to discuss their topic plus an additional 10 minutes for Q&A.
Indicate the desired title for this presentation.
Please include a brief synopsis (2-3 lines) about your topic.
Availability *
Please select your preferred date for your presentation. You may select multiple dates for us to choose from.
Submit Images
Please submit both a headshot and company logo for inclusion in our promotional materials.
Provide an optional promotional video for us to share on social media.
Alternatively, you can provide a YouTube link to your promotional video.

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